It’s as simple as that. One must continually ask why to understand every aspect of the problem at hand, as well as the motivation behind it. Reaching true understanding enables us to achieve simplicity and to solve problems in a durable way.
It’s as simple as that. One must continually ask why to understand every aspect of the problem at hand, as well as the motivation behind it. Reaching true understanding enables us to achieve simplicity and to solve problems in a durable way.
As it turns out, replacing motorcycle tires is a very physical activity. It took me quite a few hours to get it right. I learned a few things:
Trying to get the tire over the rims was by far the most difficult part. And getting a tube stuck requiring me to get them off and on an extra time added to the difficulty. Applying copious amounts of lubricant to the tire made this easier the last time around.
I also managed to install the chain tension spacer upside down, which wasn’t a problem as far as I could tell, beyond the notch that is apparently used to get the two sides equidistant from the frame being unusable. It bothered me enough and since I had just got the wheel back on, I took it off and righted the thing.
Given that this is an activity every 5-6 thousand miles, I’m glad to learn it.
1 gallon apple cider
1.25 cup cranberry juice
Safbrew 33
Make a tea of:
Add everything to just under a gallon (~112 ounces) of cider.
8oz white sugar
Just over 6oz ginger juice
Sprinkle of Safbrew 33
~0.25 a lime’s juice
Add everything to a half gallon bottle, fill with water leaving a little headroom.
Fermented less than 24 hours. Very fizzy, very spicy. Retained sweetness.